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Sindbis Virus Reporter Virus Particles

Maximum Purchase:
10 units
Current Stock:
Sindbis Virus
Species exemplar – HRLP, HRSP, AR339, ov-100 (UniProt #: P03316)
1 mL
Lead Time:
1-4 weeks
Infectivity determined in HEK-293T cells. Infectivity data represents the average of three independent vials, each tested in quadruplicate. GFP positive cells were detected with an Intellicyt iQue flow cytometer using the BL-1 channel (Ex. 488 nm, Em. 530)
Reporter Virus Particles (RVP) by Integral Molecular, Inc.

Frequently Bought Together:

Infectivity determined in HEK-293T cells. Infectivity data represents the average of three independent vials, each tested in quadruplicate. GFP positive cells were detected with an Intellicyt iQue flow cytometer using the BL-1 channel (Ex. 488 nm, Em. 530)
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Integral Molecular’s Sindbis Virus Reporter Virus Particles (RVPs) are replication-incompetent pseudotyped virus particles that enable safe (BSL-2), easy, and high-throughput viral infectivity and neutralization assays using standard detection instrumentation. The RVPs display the Sindbis Virus envelope protein on a heterologous virus core and carry a modified genome that expresses a convenient optical reporter gene within 24 hours of cellular infection. Protocols are provided for neutralization and infectivity assays and are identical to the CHIKV Reporter Virus Particle documents.

Product Sindbis Virus Reporter Virus Particles (RVPs)
Catalog Number RVP-1116

Species exemplar – HRLP, HRSP, AR339, ov-100

Refer to UniProt accession number P03316

Packaging 20% FBS/DMEM
Recommended Input Range 10uL per well (96-well plate)
Target Cell Line HEK-293T cells
Lead time 1-4 weeks
Shipping Shipped on dry ice
Storage conditions Store at -80°C (+/- 10°C) upon receipt
Size 1.0 mL/vial
Warranty Terms and Conditions (pdf)
SDS Sindbis Virus RVP SDS (pdf) coming soon
Technical Data Sheets Sindbis Virus Tech Data Sheet (pdf)